Activities – Daniel McCarthy since 2007


Collaboration with Reginald Foster OCD

A.6.13 July-14 Dec 2010, I co-authored a three-year presentation of the Latin language submitted to publishers for consideration.

A.5.2010-present, With the collaboration of Reginald Foster and James Leachman I am publishing new English renderings of the prefaces of selected Sundays and feast days in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the prefaces of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (20 November 2010 – present)..

A.4.2009-2010, with the collaboration of Reginald Foster and James Leachman I published new English renderings of the proper prayers and prefaces of selected Sundays and feast days in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the propers of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (28 November 2009 – 13 November 2010).

A.3.2006 – present, I began collaborating with Reginald in publishing commentaries on the prayers of the liturgy in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the propers of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (from 18 March 2006 – present).

A.2.2001, 2003, I attended Schola latinitatis aestiva, two month intensive Latin program.

A.1.1999-2008, I attended Latin classes as much as licentiate and doctoral studies in liturgy permitted.


Activities, July 2010 – June 2011.

A.3.    Published weekly column with the collaboration of Reginald Foster and James Leachman with new English renderings of the proper prayers and prefaces of selected Sundays and feast days in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the propers of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (28 November 2009 – 13 November 2010).

A.1.Collaborated with Reginald Foster in writing a three-year presentation of the Latin language, 11 – 29 July, 15 November – 15 December. Submitted to publishers for consideration.

A.4.    Instructor, “Academia Latinitatis Aestiva 5”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre Ealing, London, 3.5 hours instruction weekdays 9 – 20 August 2010.

A.4.    Co-organizer and instructor, “Research Methodology”, Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland 6-10 September 2010.

A.4.    Co-organizer, The Need for Liturgical Education and Formation, a Joint Anglican – Roman Catholic Study Day (Lincoln School of Theology – Appreciating the liturgy study day 3), The Cathedral Centre, Lincoln, England, 24 September 2010.

A.4.    Presenter, “The Project Appreciating the Liturgy and the ResearchInstitutum Liturgicum” presented at The Need for Liturgical Education and Formation, a Joint Anglican – Roman Catholic Study Day (Lincoln School of Theology – Appreciating the liturgy study day 3), The Cathedral Centre, Lincoln, England, 24 September 2010.

A.4.    Presenter, “Evening Prayer for the Dead with Reception of the Body According to the Parish Tradition” to be presented at The Liturgy of the Hours, a Four-Church Workshop (Lincoln School of Theology – Appreciating the liturgy diocesan workshop 4), The Cathedral Centre, Lincoln, England, 25 September 2010.

A4.    Instructor, “Reading Church Architecture”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, 5 hours instruction daily, 9, 16, 23 October 2010.

A.4.    Published brief article: Leachman, J.G. – D.P. McCarthy, “The contribution of the project Appreciating the Liturgy to the research Institutum Liturgicum”, Liturgy Studies and Teaching, a dedicated number of Benedictine Culture 4 (2010).

A.4.    Published brief article: Leachman, J.G. – D.P. McCarthy, “The contribution of the proposed Institutum Liturgicum in England and Wales”, Liturgy Studies and Teaching, a dedicated number ofBenedictine Culture 4 (2010).

A.4.    Edited fascicle: Liturgy Studies and Teaching, a dedicated number ofBenedictine Culture 4 (2010).

A.2.    Published weekly column with the collaboration of Reginald Foster and James Leachman with new English renderings of the prefaces of selected Sundays and feast days in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the prefaces of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (20 November 2010 – present).


Activities, July 2009 – June 2010.

A.3.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected prayers after communion of Sundays and Feasts, The Tablet (weekly from 29 November 2008 – 28 November 2009).

A.5.    Instructor, “Academia Latinitatis Aestiva 4”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London. 3.5 hours instruction weekdays, 24-28 August, 1-4 September 2009.

A.5.    Co-organizer and presenter, Human Maturation in the Liturgy(Appreciating the liturgy continuing colloquium 2), St. Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough, England 11 September 2009.

A.5.    Presenter of a monastic community workshop The Prayers of the Liturgy(Appreciating the liturgy workshop 2), Pluscarden Abbey, Scotland 11-13 September 2009.

A.3.    Co-organizer and presenter, Human Maturation in the Liturgy(Appreciating the liturgy study day 2), St. Michael’s Abbey, Farnborough, England, 23-24 September 2009.

A.4.    Lecturer: Introduction to Liturgy, Beda College, Rome Fall semester 2008.

A. 3.    Published weekly column with the collaboration of Reginald Foster and James Leachman with new English renderings of the proper prayers and prefaces of selected Sundays and feast days in “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on the propers of selected Sundays and feasts”, The Tablet (28 November 2009 – 13 November 2010).

A.5.    Co-organizer, Fostering Maturation in the Liturgy (Appreciating the liturgy continuing colloquium 3), Clement Manor, Greenfield (Milwaukee), WI 6 January 2010.

A.4.    Lecturer: Introduction to the Lectionary, Beda College, Rome Spring semester 2009.

A.4.    Co-teacher with J.G. Leachman, seminar 95571 Modelli di spiritualità liturgica, PIL spring semester 2009-2010.

A.5.    Co-presenter, Transition in the Vigil: Becoming Christians (Appreciating the liturgy diocesan workshop 3), LACE Centre, Liverpool, England, 13 February 2010.

A.5.    Co-organizer, Consensus in Liturgical Research: Differentiation in Liturgical Renewal, an Anglican – Roman Catholic Symposium (Appreciating the liturgy symposium 1), Sant’Anselmo, Rome 28 May 2010.

A.5.    Presentation, “The Collect for Palm Sunday: An Ecumenical Text”, presented at Consensus in Liturgical Research: Differentiation in Liturgical Renewal, an Anglican – Roman Catholic Symposium (Appreciating the liturgy symposium 1), Sant’Anselmo, Rome 28 May 2010.

A.5.    Co-organizer, Rationales for Liturgy Curricula (Appreciating the liturgy continuing colloquium 4), Sant’Anselmo, Rome 29 May 2010.


Activities, July 2008 – June 2009.

A.5.    Co-presenter of the diocesan Workshop Liturgical Space and Place: The art of celebrating, a view from the presidential chair (Appreciating the liturgy inaugural diocesan workshop), Bishop Grosseteste University College, Lincoln, England 21 February 2009.

A.1.Co-conveniener of a garden party, Benedictine Study and Arts Center, 30 August 2008.

A.2.    Co-organizer and presenter, Appreciating the Collect (Appreciating the liturgy inaugural study day), Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, England 23 August 2008.

A.1.Co-conveiner of the continuing colloquium Liturgiam aestimare: Appreciating the Liturgy on Appreciating the Collect. An Irenic Methodology, Sant’Anselmo, Rome, 31 May 2008.

A.2.    Co-teacher with J.G. Leachman, seminar 95568 Dal messale medioevale alla Liturgia Anglicana, PIL fall semester 2009-2010.

A.2.    Co-teacher with J.G. Leachman, seminar 94450 Modelli di Spiritualità liturgica, PIL spring semester 2008-2009.

A.3.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected prayers after communion of Sundays and Feasts, The Tablet (weekly from 29 November 2008 – 28 November 2009).

A.4.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected prayers over the gifts of Sundays and feasts, The Tablet(weekly from 1 December 2007 – 22 November 2008).

A.5.    Published book: with J.G. Leachman, Listen to the Word: Commentaries on Selected Opening Prayers of Sundays and Feasts with Sample Homilies, Revised from articles that appeared in The Tablet, 18 March 2006 – 15 September 2007, (DREI, Varia), The Tablet Trust, London 2009.

A.5.    Published thesis: Praesidendi coetui sedes ad munus orationemque dirigendi: quatuor rationes prospectusque solus, Pontificio istituto liturgico thesis ad lauream published in extract, Sant’Anselmo, Rome 2008.

A.5.    Membership: North Americana Academy of Liturgy

A.4.    Lecturer: Introduction to Liturgy, Beda College, Rome Fall semester 2008.

A.4.    Lecturer: Introduction to the Lectionary, Beda College, Rome Spring semester 2009 (this and the previous course together constitute 20 UK credits).

A.4.    Instructor: Introduction to Christian Liturgy, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London. 5 hours instruction daily, 6, 13, 27 September 2008.

A.3.    Instructor, “Academia Latinitatis Aestiva 3”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London. 5 hours instruction weekdays, 26 August – 5 September 2008.

A.4.    Edited book: Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic MethodologyEuchology, ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy (DREI, AL: LA 1) St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008.

A.5.    Published chapter: “Between Memories and Hopes: Anamnesis and Eschatology in Selected Collects”, in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology (DREI, AL: LA 1), ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008, 197-221.

A.5.    Published chapter: Foster, R.T. – D.P. McCarthy, “Collectarum Latinitas”, in Appreciating the Collect: An Irenic Methodology(DREI, AL: LA 1), ed. J.G. Leachman – D.P. McCarthy, St. Michael’s Abbey Press, Farnborough, England 2008, 27-56.


Activities, July 2007 – June 2008.

A.7    Sacrae Liturgiae Doctoratus, Pontificium Institutum Liturgicum, Romae, thesis on four historical models and overall prospectus of the presidential chair, “Praesidendi coetui sedes ad munus orationemque dirigendi: quatuor rationes prospectusque solus” (PIL, tesi dott. 357) Pontificium Athenaeum S. Anselmi de Urbe, Rome proclamatus 23 June 2008, rinunciatus 25 November 2008.

A.6.Instructor, “Academia Latinitatis Aestiva 2”, Benedictine Study and Arts Centre, Ealing, London. 5 hours instruction weekdays, 28 August – 7 September 2007.

A.5.Simultaneous translation from Italian to English at the Biennial Congress ofSocietas Liturgica, Palermo 6 – 11 August 2007: 1)Valenziano, C., guided visit of the monastery and cathedral of Monreale; 2) Sound and light presentation in the cathedral of Monreale: “See the word; hear the image”, presided by Bishop Di Christina, commentation by C. Valenziano, with the participation of the choir of the cathedral of Monreale under the direction of Maestro Giuseppe Liberti; 3) Marini, P., major presentation.

A.4.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected prayers over the gifts of Sundays and feasts, The Tablet(weekly from 1 December 2007 – 22 November 2008).

A.5.    Published weekly column “Listen to the Word” Commentaries on selected opening prayers of Sundays and feasts, The Tablet (weekly from 18 March 2006 – 4 March 2007, thereafter occasionally).

A.5.    Book review: Turner, P., Let us Pray: A Guide to the Rubrics of Sunday Mass (A Pueblo Book), The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, MN 2006, XII-170 pp., ISBN 978-0-8146-6213-7, $ 23,95, in Ecclesia Orans 3 (2007) 352-354.

A.5.    Published chapter: Leachman, J.G. – D.P. McCarthy, “The Formation of the Ecclesial Person through Baptismal Preparation and the Celebrations in the RCIA: the Collects for the Scrutinies”, in The Liturgical Subject: Subject, Subjectivity, and the Human Person in Contemporary Liturgical Discussion and Critique, ed. J.G. Leachman, SCM, London – Notre Dame University, Notre Dame, IN 2008, 172-200.

A.5.    Translated chapter: Mazza, E., “The influence of Anthropology on the development of Baptismal Rites: up to and Including the Mystagogical Catechists of the Fourth Century”, The Liturgical Subject: Subject, Subjectivity and the Human Person in Contemporary Liturgical Discussion and Critique, SCM—Notre Dame, London—South Bend, Indiana 2008, 201-200.

A.6.    Translated chapter: Ilyés, Z., “The Human Person at Play: A Model for Contemporary Liturgical Understanding”, The Liturgical Subject: Subject, Subjectivity and the Human Person in Contemporary Liturgical Discussion and Critique, SCM—Notre Dame, London—South Bend, Indiana 2008, 132-153.

A.6.    Co-organizer and presenter, Appreciating the Collect (Appreciating the liturgy inaugural colloquium), Sant’Anselmo, Rome 31 May 2008.