Generative Communities
First Experience
Differentiated Self-representation
held at
Stanbrook Abbey
North Yorkshire
25 September 2016
Heartwarming Thai Commercial
Or view the view the video from the following YouTube programme, ending at 2:55.
Hedy Schleifer tells the story of the Tailor.
View the video at this link (ending at 15:56)
Or view the video from the following YouTube programme beginning at 13:04 and ending at 15:56.
Hedy Schleifer on building a bridge to her elderly mother.
Here is the link to the video (ending at 3:57).
Or view the video from the following YouTube programme beginning at 1:30 and ending at 3:57.
It is good to travel in groups, by De Lijn.
Here is the link to the video.
Or view the video from the following YouTube programme.
General Instruction of the Roman Missal
The Individual Parts of the Mass
72. …
For Christ took the bread and the chalice and gave thanks; he broke the bread and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take, eat, and drink: this is my Body; this is the cup of my Blood. Do this in memory of me.’ Accordingly, the Church has arranged the entire celebration of the Liturgy of the Eucharist in parts corresponding to precisely these words and actions of Christ:
1. At the Preparation of the Gifts, the bread and the wine with water are brought to the altar, the same elements that Christ took into his hands.
2. In the Eucharistic Prayer, thanks is given to God for the whole work of salvation, and the offerings become the Body and Blood of Christ.
3. Through the fraction and through Communion, the faithful, though they are many, receive from the one bread the Lord’s Body and from the one chalice the Lord’s Blood in the same way the Apostles received them from Christ’s own hands.
For more information about the Generative Communities Experiences, please visit this web-page.
Pope Francis washes the feet of Prisoners in Rebibbia prison
Papa Francesco a Rebibbia lava i piedi a dodici detenuti (begin at 3.48)